স্টিল লাইক অ্যান আর্টিস্ট pdf download | Steal Like an Artist Book pdf

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Steal Like an Artist Book by Austin Kleon pdf download from Movitai.

স্টিল লাইক অ্যান আর্টিস্ট pdf download

Steal Like an Artist Book pdf download
বইঃস্টিল লাইক অ্যান আর্টিস্ট
লেখকঃঅস্টিন ক্লেওন
অনুবাদকঃএম এস আই সোহান, হাসান আযীয
ফরম্যাটঃপিডিএফ ফাইল
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আত্ম উন্নয়ন ও মোটিভেশন বই pdf download

The artist is a collector. But not stockpilers; There is a difference. The hoarder collects everything he gets. The artist chooses. The artist collects what he loves. There is a theory of economics. If you average the income of five close friends, then the result will be close to your income. In my opinion, the same applies to our ideas. Decorate the neighborhood with whatever you want.

My mother used to say, “Garbage in, garbage out”, meaning “If dirt enters, dirt will come out.” I didn’t understand that. But now I understand. Your job is to gather good ideas. The more good ideas you collect, the more ideas you will have the opportunity to be ‘influenced’ by. “Steal from a place that goes with your desires, that awakens your imagination. Swallow it whole; Old or new films, songs, books, paintings, pictures, poems, dreams, conversations, architecture, bridges, road signs, trees, clouds, water bodies, lights, shadows. Only choose the one that speaks directly to your soul. Going forward, your work (or ‘stealing’) will be authentic. ”,

Steal Like an Artist Book pdf

Genetics is a good example. You have a mother, you have a father. You get some features from both of them. But what is the sum? Larger than part of their features. You are Michelle of your parents and ancestors. Idea has the same lineage as the family. You are not given the power to choose which family you will be born into. But what kind of teacher to learn from, what kind of friends to make, what kind of songs to listen to, what kind of books to read, what kind of movies to watch, you can choose. In fact, Michelle is the one who allowed you to enter your life. Michelle is the one who ‘influenced’ you.

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